Assiut/Assuit General Publications

Cleaning Vintage Textiles

Assiut-Vintage-On-Chair-WEBRecently, I’ve been getting a lot of requests for detailed instructions for how to clean vintage assiut.  There are a few guidelines I would like to share with you, but I have to begin with a disclaimer.  Antique assiut can be extremely fragile.  Before you clean, think about the value of the piece for you.  In antique textiles, sometimes the most gentle forms of cleaning can be destructive.  So before you have a go at cleaning it, consider your skills and if you are prepared to accidentally destroy the garment or shawl.  As a historian, I recommend using the least invasive and potentially destructive methods for care and cleaning.  Below is an excellent resource for cleaning vintage and antique textiles.  My personal process echo this detailed .pdf.

  • Treat for dust mites by putting in a ziplock bag and freezing for a week.
  • Pat clean with tepid water first to remove dust mites and debris.
  • Evaluate condition to consider for further cleaning, if it’s delicate and has lots of tears I stop.
  • Hand wash with gentle cleanser.  I personally use Orvis or Restoration.
  • Always dry flat.
  • Store in a loose bundle in an acid free box. Avoid storing in wood and plastic.

Cleaning is a lot like cooking – everyone has their own methods, strategies, and recipes.  The goal is be realistic about your skills, the condition of your piece, and how much you are willing to spend on products.

Caring for Your Textile Heirlooms


By Davina

Davina ~ Dawn Devine is a belly dance costume designer, dance instructor and author of more than a dozen publications on Middle Eastern dance.