
Fabulous Fall Festival 2021


Fabulous Fall
Belly Dance
Festival 2021

Saturday, Nov. 6, 2021
1 pm – 6:30pm
Visit their Website

Many years ago, I was one of the officers of the SF/Bay Area chapter of MECDA, the Middle Eastern Culture and Dance Association based out of Los Angeles, CA.  In the decade that I was on the board of directors, I held a variety of positions from secretary to president, but never treasurer!   (My co-author & photographer Alisha Westerfeld aka Zemira was always the best treasurer.)  

Fabulous Fall Festival Founder

The Fabulous Fall Belly Dance Festival is one of the legacies of my time with that organization!   When MECDA disbanded, a new group, The Bay Area Belly Dance & Music Association formed to step into the void.  One of the MECDA events the new group decided to keep was the Fabulous Fall Festival!   It’s very cool to be one of the founders of an event that is still happening!

Studio Davina – Return to Vending

This Saturday, the Fabulous Fall Belly Dance Festival returns after the hiatus of 2020.  This is one of the biggest belly dance events held in the Silicon Valley area of California.  It was the last event I did in 2019, and my return to vending in 2021!   My mission is to go and have a really good time watching some of the top dancers in the Bay Area take the stage.  To see the lineup click on the flyer to visit the site and see the final line-up.

Saroyan Vintage Coin Earrings

This week, I’m making another small batch of handcrafted earrings.  I still can’t believe that I put up the first batch of Saroyan Vintage Assiut Earrings onto my Etsy store on a Friday, and by Sunday evening they were sold out!   I’ve never had such support for a jewelry collection before!  This week’s batch will first go to the event, and, if any are leftover, will get uploaded to Etsy.

Assiut Masks

Here in the Bay Area, mask-wearing is considered a vital part of a healthy daily life.  I’ve had many requests for more assiut masks, and so this week, I’ll be finishing up a small batch of assiut masks as well.  The style has changed a bit since my big push to use up my scraps in 2021.  The scraps have gotten, well, smaller, so the masks are a bit more narrow from side to side, making them lighter weight and cooler to wear.  In addition, they also have more seams, as I piece them together to maximize the metal embroidery.   If there are some left after the show, they will join the earrings on Etsy.

I’ve got a lot of things to make to take to the show – I better get working! 

See ya Saturday at the Fall Festival!
Dawn Devine ~ Davina
Nov. 1, 2021


By Davina

Davina ~ Dawn Devine is a belly dance costume designer, dance instructor and author of more than a dozen publications on Middle Eastern dance.